Jessica Krug: George Washington University teacher reveals she pretended become black colored

Jessica Krug: George Washington University teacher reveals she pretended become black colored

A professor of African-American history has revealed she pretended become black her whole job in a shocking blog post that is confessional.

September 4, 2020 8:42pm

The Rachel Divide – Netflix trailer

Titled The Rachel Divide, it centers on Rachel Dolezal. This program explores the life that is 40-year-old’s those revelations arrived on the scene in addition to just just how she portrayed herself as African-American for a long time, despite being created white.

Jessica Krug has confessed she lied about her identification. Source:Supplied

A white professor in the usa has revealed she pretended become black colored during her whole job and it has branded by herself a “culture leech” in a confessional article.

Professor Jessica Krug, 38, teaches African US history at George Washington University including classes on African history and diaspora. Read more