Featuring Priyanka Chopra, Sam Heughan, Celine Dion and you will Sofia Barclay

Featuring Priyanka Chopra, Sam Heughan, Celine Dion and you will Sofia Barclay

• “Hypnotic” (R): When a detective finds out that their missing daughter and www.gorgeousbrides.net/sv/blog/bli-en-postordrebrud you will a string out of visible financial robberies was linked, he goes on a grasping look for his d Fichtner and you will Hala Finley.

• “Like Again” (PG-13): Managing the increasing loss of their particular bride to be, Mira Ray (Priyanka Chopra) directs a few intimate texts so you’re able to their dated mobile phone count, maybe not realizing it was reassigned in order to journalist Rob Burns off (Sam Heughan). When Injury belongs to produce a visibility away from superstar Celine Dion, he enlists their particular assist to figure out how to meet Mira in person.

• “Could you be There God? Margaret is actually transferring to a separate city and you can begin to remember all about lives. She depends on their mom (Rachel McAdams) which offers loving service but is trying to her own footing within the an alternate set, and her grandma Sylvia (Kathy Bates).

• “Sisu” (R): Over the last times of World war ii, an effective prospector crosses paths having Nazis on the good scorched-Planet refuge from inside the north Finland. Read more