Globally Month of Technology and you will Serenity: Fireside Chat with Hon. Sharon Burke, hosted by Bram Govaerts

Globally Month of Technology and you will Serenity: Fireside Chat with Hon. Sharon Burke, hosted by Bram Govaerts

This new Us (UN) Internationally Day from Research and you will Tranquility happen annually in November. Activities and you may occurrences occur that demonstrate the links ranging from progress for the science and you may technical and you may fix out of tranquility and you may defense, and you will international cooperation certainly one of scientists is actually advised.

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Join an internet conversation into the Hon. Sharon Burke, Former Assistant Assistant out of Defense of your Barack Federal government and you can Joe Biden transition class lead into the climate change schedule, and you may Bram Govaerts, Director general of Internationally Maize and you may Grain Improvement Cardiovascular system (CIMMYT). Read more