Trick of your own Starry Sky arch [ ]

Trick of your own Starry Sky arch [ ]

Into the Edolas, the metropolis is turned into a large chunk off Lacrima, that will afterwards be shed to provide Edolas which have never ever-stop Wonders. But not, everyone is conserved regarding such as for example a fate of the Mystogan’s input, having him reversing the latest drawing procedure for Anima and you can putting all the off Edolas’ Wonders to the World Homes. The town away from Magnolia, next to each of the population as well as the Fairy Tail players, are recovered to normalcy, and the Guild was after amazed once they find brand new Lisanna who was when you look at the Edolas and returned with them, also you to she is the fresh Lisanna all of them once know.

Tenrou Isle arc [ ]

Just after Lisanna’s inviting party therefore the adopting the “brawl”, Bisca and you will Alzack have emerged asleep not far from both regarding the hallway using their guildmates.

Into the approaching of your own S-Classification Demo, that may grant seven chosen professionals the opportunity to compete during the an event to make one of them an S-Class Mage, Bisca and you may Alzack, comparable to many guildmates, make an effort to accept of several services to allow them to end up being picked. Read more