"SALEM's team of professional biologists bring over 20 years of experience in the consulting industry. Because our experience and in-depth knowledge of various special-status species, local survey requirements and potential impacts on construction activities, we are able to creatively and cost-effectively provide our clients with practical solutions while maintaining regulatory compliance.”
SALEM utilizes strategically aligned Registered Professional Biologists, Botanists and Ecologists to conduct Biological Resources, Habitat, and Wetlands/Riparian Assessments of proposed sites for development. SALEM’s network of highly trained and experienced professionals have conducted thousands of biological assessments on many properties throughout California and the Western United States. SALEM's staff and network of professionals continue to provide progressive, professional, and practical consulting services and offer straight-forward, cost-effective solutions to a wide variety of biological issues associated with site development. Our unique perspective allows our team to clearly understand our client's project objectives; therefore customizing an approach specific to each project. Our vision, coupled with our commitment to our valued clients, quality work and exceptional standards, is the key to our history of success.
Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, developers, municipalities and government entities that routinely utilize SALEM’s expertise throughout California and the United States on a repeat basis.
Biological Resource Assessment
A Biological Resource Assessment provides preliminary data and analysis of biological resources located on and within the vicinity of a proposed development site including rare, threatened and endangered plant and wildlife and special species, as well as wetlands. SALEM’s vast network of strategically aligned partners including wildlife biologists, botanists and ecologists have extensive experience surveying terrestrial and aquatic biota and habitats utilizing various state and federal protocols. Our team of experts document existing site conditions; identify sensitive resources in the project vicinity including jurisdictional waters, wetlands and special status plants and wildlife; assess the potential impact of the proposed project and identify potential permit requirements. The results provide SALEM clients with a preliminary assessment of biological resources which may impact the proposed development and options for mitigating project repercussions and costs.
Impact Assessment and Permitting
SALEM’s network of strategically aligned partners have conducted biological resource impact analysis for small and large projects alike. Salem has experience producing a variety of types of biological documentation to satisfy the needs of a multitude of entities, from Habitat Conservation Plans for the County of Riverside to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) biological technical reports for various types of projects, to Preactivity Survey Reports (PSRs) for San Diego Gas & Electric.
Pre-Construction Special Species Surveys
A pre-construction survey consists of a site reconnaissance on a property previously identified with special species and/or their habitat (and adjoining properties, if applicable) where construction activities are set to begin. A pre-construction survey determines if the previously identified special-status species are presently located on the project site. The findings and observations are then compiled in a report illustrated with figures and photographs which is then submitted to the lead regulatory agency. Typically, a pre-construction survey is required within a certain timeframe (7 to 30 days prior to construction start date) and is mandated by a local, state or federal agency, and are included as a provision to obtain a permit for site development.
Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Plan & Wildlife Species Assessment
SALEM’s staff and network of professional biologists have conducted countless field surveys, habitat assessments and population studies for special status species protected under the California State and Federal Endangered Species Acts, as well as local environmental efforts including the Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP).
Rare, threatened and endangered species must be surveyed and protected during the project planning and construction phase of development. SALEM’s network of biologists have expertise with a wide range of special-status wildlife species and currently hold appropriate state and/or federal permits to conduct studies and recovery actions for a large number of special-species, enabling us to effectively and accurately identify the presence of a rare species located within the project site, if present. In addition, our team of biologists assess habitat, quantify population and abundance, and are able to prepare mitigation impact assessment and obtain appropriate permits, if required.
Wetland, Riparian Assessment and Delineation
SALEM’s team of experienced biologists are able to conduct jurisdictional wetland assessments and delineations on a wide range of wetland habitat including riparian woodlands, vernal pools, freshwater marshes, man-made wetlands, farming wetlands, ponds, and non-tidal seasonal wetlands. Our biologists have extensive training and experience that is essential to identifying and establishing appropriate wetland boundaries.
SALEM’s wetland and riparian assessments include a site reconnaissance survey, a search and review of historical background information including aerial photography and topographic maps, a review of the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) soil survey information, as well as the Natural Wetland Inventory (NWI). Based upon various reconnaissance survey factors, SALEM’s biologist identifies the preliminary wetlands boundaries affected by the proposed site development in accordance with applicable local, state and federal regulatory criteria.
Many encroachments into riparian and wetlands require state and/or federal permits. SALEM’s team of biologists can assist with the permit application process, often times offering a strategy based on the specific project site characteristics, the identified wetlands/riparian delineation, our client’s objectives, as well as all regulatory compliance requirements.
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