America’s Tire Distribution Center
Riverside County, California
Geotechnical Engineering Investigation
Construction Inspection & Material Testing
The America’s Tire Distribution Center project included new construction of a two-story office and warehouse distribution center of concrete tilt-up construction on a reinforced concrete slab-on grade foundation encompassing approximately 415,000 square feet. On-site paved parking areas, drive approaches and landscaped areas were included as part of the site development. Off-site street improvements were included as part of this project.
Services provided in conjunction with the Geotechnical Investigation included drilling 50 borings to depths of 20 to 50 feet below ground surface, or auger refusal via hollow-stem augers rotated by a truck-mounted drill rig. 25 of the 50 borings were advanced within the building footprint; the remaining 25 borings were advanced within the paved areas. Soil samples collected from borings were analyzed in our laboratory for physical characteristics including soil strength, compressibility and corrosion potential, among other testing applicable with ASTM standards. Additionally, ten double-ring infiltrometer tests were conducted at the site within the bio-swale/retention basin at depths of approximately two to four feet below ground surface.
Construction Inspection & Material Testing Services included a combination of field observation and compaction testing, soil and concrete sampling, structural special inspections, laboratory testing and Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan (SWPPP) inspections and reporting. SALEM Engineering Group, Inc. estimated that required tests and inspections during grading operations will include engineered fill observations and compaction testing, pavement area subgrade and aggregate base compaction tests, and trench backfill compaction tests. Special inspections and testing included concrete reinforcing steel inspection, structural masonry inspection, structural steel inspection, and concrete, mortar, grout, and masonry prism sampling and laboratory testing.
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