Just how do he chance the life of the lady the guy likes versus a tangible package?

Just how do he chance the life of the lady the guy likes versus a tangible package?

I adored mrs Kim environmentally friendly earrings and her build-right up

To begin with, I happened to be crazy taste that it crisis so far, particularly the pace plus the OTP. And i nevertheless want it, however anything forced me to in love(and no inside an ideal way) this week and you can I’d like to share. We authored them right up once i was enjoying the brand new periods, so they may well not create entire feel. It is ep 9 elizabeth ten piled-up with her. Spoilers in the future: Therefore, allow me to see if I’d it upright: DR’S bundle was to wed KJ if in case she goes wrong with perish, YK enjoys your. If the by chance she does not die she gets to become having your, that’s, in the event that the guy accepts the lady? Read more