Disease-certain wellness expenses from the age, sex, and kind away from worry when you look at the Norway: a national fitness registry research

Disease-certain wellness expenses from the age, sex, and kind away from worry when you look at the Norway: a national fitness registry research

Norway is a premier-income nation that have universal tax-funded healthcare and you will one of many higher for every single person wellness using internationally. This study estimates Norwegian wellness costs by the health, decades, and sex, and compares it having impairment-modified life-decades (DALYs).


Bodies finances, compensation database, patient registries, and you will medication database were joint to guess purchasing to have 144 fitness standards, 38 ages and you can gender organizations, and you can eight sorts of care (GPs; physiotherapists & chiropractors; specialized outpatient; go out diligent; inpatient; prescribed drugs; home-established care; and nursing homes) totaling 174,157,766 encounters. Diagnoses have been according to the Around the world Weight regarding Condition research (GBD). This new expenses estimates were modified, by the redistributing excess spending associated with the for every comorbidity. Read more