The UMU includes 21 college locations into the 5 campuses

The UMU includes 21 college locations into the 5 campuses

The College out of Murcia was a most-inclusive county college or university giving 60 education official certification – four ones twin grade – 72 positives levels and you will thirty six PhD official certification during the Good Arts and Humanities, Systems, Fitness Sciences, Sciences, Social Sciences and you may Rules. At exactly the same time, the fresh new Universidad Internacional del Mar (UNIMAR) even offers around one hundred june programs in different areas of education.

The nation Viewpoints Survey (WVS) try a worldwide community from boffins learning thinking as well as their feeling into public and you may political lifetime. New network mainly gathers data on the people’s values

The country Values Questionnaire works a continuing societal technology research study with the aim away from investigating socio-social, ethical, spiritual and you will governmental beliefs in different cultures within

industry. WVS keeps held user federal studies from inside the 97 regions covering almost 90 per cent of your world’s society. The fresh new studies is presented in the way of face-to-face

interview, into the less than perfect, along with really rich regions, when you look at the authoritarian expertise and you will liberal democracies, coating all important social components.

Falstad hub, Ekne, Norway Venture conference and you may adult popular knowledge at Falstad Centre 19-21st of Falstad middle, Ekne, Norway Enterprise fulfilling and adult popular knowledge at the Falstad Heart 19-twenty-first out of Filipstad Kommun, Sweden – Reading, Knowledge and you may Training Craft Filipstad Kommun, Sweden – Reading, Training and you will Knowledge Interest Universidad de- Murcia, The country of spain – Learning, Exercises and you may Training Hobby, Universidad de Murcia, The country of spain – Learning, Knowledge and you can Degree Craft, Universidad de Murcia, Spain – Learning, Training and you will Training Hobby, Educational Middle Visio, Finland – Training, training and Studies Pastime for the Helsinki, Academic Middle Visio, Finland – Training, knowledge and Education Passion into the Helsinki, Centar za Mirovne Studjie, Zagreb, Croatia – Understanding, Training and you may Training Interest, Centar za Mirovne Studjie, Zagreb, Croatia – Reading, Practise and you will Degree Craft, creating workshop creating working area

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