At the same time, the new declaration revealed that very experienced women considered happy in-marriage than those that have straight down training profile

At the same time, the new declaration revealed that very experienced women considered happy in-marriage than those that have straight down training profile

While you are just dos % of married women who provides postgraduate degree told you it is advisable for females to keep solitary, almost 15 % of those which never ever attended senior high school told you a similar.

Considering data on the Korea Ladies Innovation Institute, the use price was higher to have married feminine with a high school diplomas compared to those having undergraduate otherwise postgraduate degrees at the time of past seasons.

“Our very own investigation show that of a lot very knowledgeable women stay as the housewives either voluntarily otherwise involuntarily once marriage,” told you KWDI specialist Kim Younger-ran.

“Studies including reveal that very educated women can be prone to get married higher-making guys. The work-life balance can be ideal for the economically secure, extremely knowledgeable hitched women that won’t need to has full-time services as opposed to those that both elite and you may residential obligations which have restricted monetary balances.”

Kim realized that Korea’s male-controlled business society doesn’t ensure it is male team to totally engage for the child care and you can friends lives.

But in an effective paradoxical sense, this chaotic lives gets me personally a sense of comfort — as the almost every condition that we got (before my daughter came into this world) doesn’t matter for me any further,” she said

“Will still be impossible to have male workers to track down a short time off at work to look after its unwell students,” she said. Read more