John Sheppard/Rodney McKay fics rec [Area I]

John Sheppard/Rodney McKay fics rec [Area I]

McShep fics rec regarding my favorite fics for these a couple of (which is most likely an enormous hill in order to go out-of a watercraft tbh however, I must say i planned to shot record my personal faves fics contained in this fandom because they’re way too many great read!).

[not all you to definitely extremely important nevertheless are noted which i look at the standard thought of the courses article year 5 (aka it come back with Atlantis towards the Pegasus galaxy, Elizabeth and you can Ford try real time & at some point Keller & Mckay breakup) canon tho a bit of a remove canon when i did not see everyone but for instance the general idea away from endgame they include (telepath!Rodney being canon article flipping to an individual is quite cool)]

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