She enjoys photography and has published her work with some leaflets and you will periodicals

She enjoys photography and has published her work with some leaflets and you will periodicals

Marianne van Twillert-Wennekes was born in holland. Immediately after having done their unique tourism study for the Brussels, she had a career in the Budva and you will transferred to Tito’s Yugoslavia. She’s started residing in Montenegro going back half a century, quite often when you look at the Podgorica, where she’s has worked just like the translator/interpreter for Italian language, English and you can Dutch for some federal and you will international teams. Marianne, or “Mariana” since the woman is named from inside the Montenegro, is actually mommy from several daughters and you can good child and satisfied grandmother out-of eight grandkids. She has also been accountable for brand new photographer towards the very first Dutch travel courses so you’re able to Montenegro, Albania and Ohrid/Macedonia, compiled by their particular husband Paul Wennekes. Plus Paul, she travel inside the Balkans and many more nations from the rv, to make photo and you may writing their website. Marianne desires use this website to display her feel which have Montenegrin take a trip fans, in addition to with tourists and you may people from other countries living – briefly or forever – when you look at the Montenegro.

150 Answers so you’re able to “About me personally”

Hallo inside Montenegro und auch bin during the der Tourismusbranche tatig (Vermietung von Ferienwohnungen, Ich container sehr an enthusiastic dem Thema “Spomenik” interessiert, ebenso perish Idee mit der Route hate mich begeistert. Wie kann ich Dich kontaktieren?

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Hallo Michael, ich container gerade zurueck von einer Reise nach Kuba, wo ich kaum Websites hatte. Entschuldigung fuer perish verspaetete Antwort. Ich glaube, dass wir uns schon mal getroffen haben, bei einer Konferenz und auch beim Stammtisch. Read more