He also says he likes cooking more powerful pies, such as for instance sweet potato, pumpkin or yam

He also says he likes cooking more powerful pies, such as for instance sweet potato, pumpkin or yam

Kim states Horner is not a normal Chief executive officer who has appreciation delicacies or nights on the town. “For anyone with so many information available, he isn’t that become flashy or higher the top. He is in reality quite economical.”

That is great news having taxpayers, as the Horner commonly serve on two of the primary societal boards regarding condition – the newest statewide BOE as well as the Honolulu Power having Rapid transit. Long time friend Mitch D’Olier, Chief executive officer regarding Kaneohe Farm, claims there’s no question you to Horner is the better guy having one another jobs. D’Olier identifies Horner once the centered, energetic and you can detail centered.

“He is one of the most difficult gurus I know, cares seriously concerning the people from Hawaii and providing them with an excellent education, and you may he’s most likely one of the best funds men into the Their state,” he states.

Horner had been only 34 as he turned into president of Earliest Hawaiian Borrowing from the bank Corp. back in 1984. “He was hard working and success came,” says Walter Dods, “since, in almost any job he’d, the guy outperformed and place this new criteria.”

“Don’s dedication to studies are advanced,” the guy teaches you. “From when We began my venture to operate getting governor and you can read there clearly was a possibility there will be a great governor-appointed BOE, We told me personally that in case We actually had a chance, I’d means Wear.”

Abercrombie claims the phrase “sterling” comes to mind as he considers Horner’s profile. Read more