Odds percentages away from COVID-19 in 2nd wave modified to have many years, sex, own and you will maternal nation from delivery and you may (n?=?step three,579,608)

Odds percentages away from COVID-19 in 2nd wave modified to have many years, sex, own and you will maternal nation from delivery and you may (n?=?step three,579,608)

The latest source group are virtually any individuals of doing work ages (20–70 many years), denoted by vertical red-colored line (chance ratio = 1). Solid sectors depict chances percentages per community and relevant pubs portray the 95% confidence times.

Result of COVID-19 during the 2nd wave,

New trend out of occupational danger of affirmed COVID-19 are more with the 2nd crisis trend than for the first revolution. In the next revolution, bartenders, transportation conductors, travel stewards, waiters and eating service avoid attendants had ca 1.5–2 times deeper odds of COVID-19 when compared with folk in the office decades ( Shape step 3 ). Read more