Nutrition position inside mature Chilean people: economic, ethnic and you can sex inequalities into the a post-transitional nation

Nutrition position inside mature Chilean people: economic, ethnic and you can sex inequalities into the a post-transitional nation

Overall, >75 % of women and men had excess weight. Low SES women either by income or education had higher excess weight ((82·0 (77·1, 86·1) v. 65·0 (54·8, 74·1)) by income; (85·3 (80·6, 89·0) v. 68·2 (61·6, 74·1) %) by education) and short stature (20–49 years; 31(17·9, 48·2) v. 5·2 (2·2,11·4) by education); obesity was also more frequent among indigenous women (20–49 years; 55·8 (44·4, 66·6) v. 37·2 (32·7, 42·0) %) than non-indigenous women. In men, excess weight did not significantly differ by SES or ethnicity, but short stature concentrated in low SES (20–49 years; 47·6 (24·6, 71·6) v. 4·5 (2·1, 9·5) by education) and indigenous men (21·5 (11·9, 5·5, 11·9) v. 8·2 (5·5, 11·9)) ( P < 0·05> Conclusions:

During the Chile, malnutrition was disproportionately centered certainly women of lowest SES and you may native origin; these inequalities should be considered whenever using cures regulations.


About sixties, Chilean people try impacted by a high occurrence from contagious disorder (three hundred per 100·000 population) and you can incidence off newborn death out of 24 % ( Source Kaempffer and you can Medina 1) . Concurrently, 37 % from youngsters had undernutrition ( Source Willett, Bendich and Deckelbaum dos) and you will just as much as 20 % was anaemic ( Resource Rios, Olivares, Amar and Underwood step 3) . Read more