BRAINARD are the following teacher, their bargain relationships Oct

BRAINARD are the following teacher, their bargain relationships Oct

The first teacher whoever term appears for the region checklist was Reuben HUMPHREY, with his deal contains date, es SIRRINE, An effective. B. TUTTLE and you can T. S. PALMER, directors. The wages paid your to have his features try $29 a month to possess a great about three and a half months’ school, twenty four days regarded thirty days.

Next deal filed is made Summer 1, 1858, with Susan TOMPKINS having a good 12 weeks’ term, on five cash per week.

The next professor are most likely W. Letter. SKINNER, though little to your records proves which, but it is infamous which he was a teacher indeed there about this big date.

The next deal searching is just one fashioned with An effective. E. HOWARD, towards 29th day of November, 1858, getting a four months’ college, on $25 four weeks.

Skip A. HOWARD for the nineteenth out of Get, 1859, on four dollars each week of 5 . 5 weeks for each – up marry a Salamanca women until Friday noon.

J. Yards. 23, 1859, to possess forty months, on the attention away from $318. He had been succeeded because of the George GRIFFITH, who educated several conditions.

Yards. WHITNEY been successful Mr

Nathan Bass, Jean DUNCAN, Ira KLING, Delia Go camping, Fiorine Flower, John McGRAW, Skip SWEENEY, Jeannette DUNCAN, Fanny HICKS, Alice ROSECRANS and several other people whose names don’t appear on record, has actually coached the school in the Obvious Lake down seriously to 1872.

Away from that day till the community is actually arranged since the an independent section, for the 1874, Professor D. An excellent. HAM, of the Mr. FLUEN, got fees of your own universities. Professor HAM are an incredibly effective teacher and you will increased the condition of schools from inside the Obvious River.

Next entitled have been principals of your Clear River graded schools: Prof. Yards. Meters. GILCHRIST, Meters. F. MILLER, F. H. HANNAH, and A. W. WIER. New salary keeps always come $75 a month.

The secretary instructors, down to 1883, were: Miss HASKELL, Miss DUNCAN, Ella C. PALMER, Miss Age. SOBER, Florence NICHOLS, Mr. Hallway, Miss Elizabeth. ROBERTSON, Eva DONAHUE, (a while later Mrs. L. G. HOLLISTER), Miss MINER, Miss BENNETT, Miss NASH, Miss WIER, Miss GARDNER, Miss WETHERALL.

S. Yards. RICHARDSON stored any office out of treasurer of one’s region on the lifetime of its providers toward big date for the book. Yards. P. ROSECRANS in addition to supported due to the fact secretary given that 1877, gonna all of the conference of your own panel – throughout the 150 in most. Regarding the 1880 so it largeindependent district try sandwich-split up into four districts, along with regarding a separate profile.

Into the 1883 there are 324 children – 163 guys and you can 161 lady – at which date there are six educators employed, five ladies and one men.

People colleges out of Clear River is actually addressed from the adopting the corps from educators: Adolphus W. WIER, superintendent and you may dominating of Senior school; Miss Clara B. WIER, sentence structure institution; Miss Janet DUNCAN, intermediate; Marion DUNCAN, 2d number one; Florence An excellent.

Prof. WIER try a local from Prussia, in which he had been produced in the 1844. The guy concerned the us whenever 13 years old, and you can based in Offer Co., Wis. He was educated during the Normal College or university, within Viroqua, Vernon Co., Wis., as well as Iowa University, Grinnell, where he had been students 24 months. The guy began knowledge for the 1865, and the after the seasons concerned Iowa. Just like the 1869 he’s started continuously involved with school work. His first name regarding labor in this county is at Rockwell, in which the guy went on through to the trip out of 1882, as he try appointed to their expose position.

NICHOLS, first no. 1

A malfunction of your university properties associated with the community are blogged about Clear Lake Observer, during the 1876, of which here’s an extract:

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